The Secret Ingredient to Productivity is Happiness

Being happy is one of the most important factors in being productive. Your overall outlook on life has a huge impact on how efficient your are. How you think is incredibly important, sometimes even more so than what you think. Do you focus on the positive aspects or the negative? Are you on a journey to be a success, or are you successful because you are on that journey?

Jason W. Womack, author of Your Best Just Got Better: Work Smarter, Think Bigger, Make More, shared a 15-minute exercise to help you determine what type of thinker you are and if you need to make any changes in your life.

Respond to each of the follow prompts, and be honest:

  1. Life is...
  2. Money is...
  3. Coaches are people who...
  4. Goals are...
  5. Work is...
  6. Organized people are...

How you respond to each of these prompts is an indication of how you see the world. Are you responses positive or negative? This will give you an idea of your overall outlook on life and if you need to make any changes.

Be positive, be optimistic and simply be happy. This will lead you to becoming more productive, which in turn will increase your successes in life.