A productive day isn't one in which you push through task after task; this will only lead to you feeling overworked. Instead, a productive day is one in which you are able to complete your tasks well, and end the day with a feeling of accomplishment. The only way to achieve this by filling your day with periodic breaks that help recharge you and keep you on top of your game. The infographic below from Wrike takes a look at the science behind productive breaks.
A break doesn't always have to mean leaving the office for lunch. You can take a break right at your desk by listening to music, surfing the web or eating a small snack. Or, give yourself a change of scenery by leaving your desk and going for a short walk, starting a conversation with a colleague, or even taking a short nap.
It's important to get a bit of exercise during your day. This helps to keep your blood flowing and fights fatigue. A simple shoulder stretch or walk around the office can help you feel more active and focused throughout the day.
Learn more about productive breaks in the infographic below.
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