work productivity147

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Indifference at Work

Let's face it: we all occasionally get what I call a case of the f*ck-its. I've written about how to rebound from a serious case before; to supercharge your productivity even further, consider tracking your energy levels each hour of the workday for a week...

What's Your Perfect Workday?

This afternoon, I want you to consider one question: what's your perfect workday? Many of us can imagine a perfect vacation day or weekend day, but what would an ideal, productive weekday look like? Would you spend it brainstorming? Networking? Cranking out work in machinelike fashion? A bit...

Weekend Reading: Guest Posts 6/18 - 6/22

Each week, I contribute dozens of articles on the workplace, fitness and productivity to a variety of Web properties. Here are some of my favorite posts from this week. * Measure Your Personal Productivity Quotient With David Allen's GTD-Q Test [PayScale] * Does Your Resume Include These 10 No-Nos? [PayScale]...

Pointless Meetings

This ecard by someecards illustrates a cruel fact: pointless meetings are ubiquitous. If you're tempted to call a meeting, consider the following questions: * What decisions will be made at this meeting? * What decision-makers should attend the meeting? * Would an informal chat or quick phone call be more effective?...

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