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5 Digital Notifications You Don't Need

The quest to becoming ridiculously efficient involves navigating tough obstacles like online alerts; to boost your productivity, disable the following digital notifications entirely. While it might initially feel weird not seeing some of these alerts, you'll be amazed at how soon you adjust -- and how much more...

5 Management Strategies to Enable Efficiency

You can't force your team to become more productive, but some management strategies can enable efficiency by boosting employee morale and overall happiness. Happiness is increasingly being considered a metric for success in the business sphere, and research supports the idea that a happy worker is a more...

Work Motivation: Managers vs. Employees [INFOGRAPHIC]

This Mercer infographic reveals that managers and employees have distinct perspectives on how their organization fosters and incentivizes productivity and engagement. Mercer asked 2,400 U.S. employees about their organization's setup, and rank-and-file employees were far more skeptical of their job than managers and senior managers were...

Top 10 Posts in 2011

The following are the most-trafficked productivity and efficiency articles at Ridiculously Efficient since our Nov. 1 launch. I hope these oldies-but-goodies help you set the tone for 2012 and beyond. 1. Semi-Automated Social Media: Timely by Demandforce 2. Turbocharge Your Day With Mental Feng Shui 3. Things by CulturedCode is...

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