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Rosemina Nazarali

The Science Behind Google's Perks

Google is one of those companies that has become known for the many perks it offers employees. From free meals, to a campus full of modern furniture and every amenity imaginable. What many don't realize, however, is the amount of research that goes into every decision made regarding...

Manage Your Time for Better Work-Life Balance

The difference between urgent and important is becoming clearer and clearer for professionals working in the 21st century. This is never more true than when talking about our health, or the lack thereof. Unfortunately, the important issues never seem urgent and we gladly put off things like exercise, stress management,...

A Balanced Life is a Good Life

As entrepreneurs, many of us are committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure that our business venture makes it. Whether this means being at the office for 18 hours a day or traveling for business five days a week, we are committed to the success of our juvenile business...

Rosemina Nazarali

Koreans Have the Lowest Productivity in the OECD

Koreans are known for being especially dedicated to their jobs, putting in longer hours than most. However, Koreans have the lowest levels of productivity in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In an attempt to improve productivity, the government has launched a national campaign to change the face...

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