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Should Empty Public Buildings Be Turned Into Coworking Spaces?

Yesterday, Jon Mitchell of ReadWriteWeb wrote about how the Palo Alto City Library is turning vacant rooms into coworking spaces for remote workers and advertising them using LiquidSpace. Can this model boost flagging local economies elsewhere? Some remote workers love coworking because it blends a quiet, isolated workspace with the...

The Senescent Desk Infuses Nature Into Your Office

Workers whose environment includes plants and art are 15 percent more productive than those who work in spartan spaces, and the Senescent Desk by Love Hulten blends Mother Nature's touch with minimalist modernity. This untreated wood desk boasts a self-sufficient garden complete with a water tank, fans and...

20+ Resources on a Productive Work Environment

This list of Ridiculously Efficient resources on creating a productive work environment puts all the good stuff in one place. Research and Case Studies * Working From Home and Productivity * 5 Monday Must-Reads on Workspace Optimization * ROWE Your Way to Peak Productivity * Where Are Your Productivity Places? * Tech Company Atos to...

The Google London L4 Office Design Fosters Creativity

The newly opened Google London L4 office design reinforces the tech giant's culture of fostering creativity and inspiration in spades. The fourth-floor office holds a band rehearsal room, a movie theater, an indoor park, a coffee lab packed with dozens of java blends, a game room and meeting...

Working From Home and Productivity [INFOGRAPHIC]

This CareerBuilder infographic examines the relationship between working from home and productivity. Some key statistics: 10 percent of Americans telecommute at least one day a week, which is up from 8 percent in 2007, and 6 percent of Americans work from home on a full-time basis. The infographic also offers...

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