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Weekend Reading: Guest Posts 6/18 - 6/22

Each week, I contribute dozens of articles on the workplace, fitness and productivity to a variety of Web properties. Here are some of my favorite posts from this week. * Measure Your Personal Productivity Quotient With David Allen's GTD-Q Test [PayScale] * Does Your Resume Include These 10 No-Nos? [PayScale]...

Avant-Garde Offices: Box [PHOTOS]

This week's Avant-Garde Offices star is enterprise software company Box, formerly known as It was less than a year and a half ago when Box had just 125 employees. Cut to May of 2012 and the company has grown to a team of 400. Naturally, this...

Avant-Garde Offices: The Smoffice

The Smoffice, this week's Avant-Garde Offices star, is an itty-bitty workspace about the size of a bathroom. The office was created as a part of Durham, North Carolina's Smoffice contest, which aims to "highlight the importance of the coffee shop in the entrepreneurial world,"...

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