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Learn to Train for Excellence like the Navy SEALs

Almost every world-class, high-performance organization takes training and education seriously. They are arguably the best in the world at what they do. Their dedication to relentless training and intensive preparation, however, is utterly alien to the overwhelming majority of businesses and professional enterprises worldwide. In today's world, businesses...

Melody Alderman

Getting Back on Warrior Track

Note from Marissa: Ridiculously Efficient CCO Melody Alderman is training for her first Warrior Dash next summer and is brave enough to document every step of her journey. Read on for her latest entry. Getting back on track never felt so good. After falling short during the holidays, this week...

Weekend Reading: Career Guest Posts 7/2 - 7/6

Each week, I contribute dozens of career articles to a variety of Web properties. Here are some of my favorite posts from this week. * Boost Employee Morale With On-the-Job Training [infographic] [PayScale] * Should Managers Track Organizational Influence in Employee Evaluations? [PayScale] * The Student Employment Gap: Inside the Youth Job Market...

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