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5 Monday Must-Reads on Prioritization

Today's global business environment means that work doesn't always stop at the stroke of 5 p.m., and today's must-reads focus on the prioritization that's essential to retain sanity amid such expectations. * Sometimes over-reporting can thwart prioritization and time management. Here'...

Turbocharge Your Day With Mental Feng Shui

Mental feng shui is one of the core principles of the Ridiculously Efficient workflow: it keeps me focused and grounded during my workday and ensures my downtime isn't spent worrying about future tasks and to-dos. At the core of my version of mental feng shui is a good...

App of the Week: iOS 5 Reminders

Yesterday, Apple released iOS 5 Reminders, a to-do app that joins the 200+ new features in the latest operating system for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. It's only appropriate, then, that we take a closer look at Reminders in today's edition of App of the Week....

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