time management52

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Time Management is Everything

There is a common misconception that time is moving faster today than it did in the past. This is obviously a fallacy, but why does it seem this way? The answer is simple -- we have more things distracting us today than ever before. With smart devices, social media, and...

5 Surprising Facts About Email [INFOGRAPHIC]

This infographic shows five facts that will change your mind about email. Despite the naysayers, email is still a very relevant business tool, but learning how to merge it in with your social media accounts will supercharge your digital correspondence. For more on streamlining your email and the rest of...

Melody Alderman

The Election & the Single Mom

As a solopreneur and a working mother, I never take the importance of productivity for granted. So, I've decided to capitalize on the opportunity to make Election Day a teachable moment for my child, while at the same time, embracing my civil duties. After all, I don'...

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