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Rosemina Nazarali

Lunch Breaks are on a Downward Decline, According to Survey

The one-hour lunch break was once a regular part of the workday, something all employees engaged in. But it seems somewhere along the way we broke this lunch break tradition and succumbed to our workaholic tendencies. A new survey from OfficeTeam found that no one really takes a one-hour lunch...

Rosemina Nazarali

Social Technologies Enhance Workplace Productivity

Social technologies have contributed greatly to workplace environments, making it easier to collaborate and foster communication among employees working out of the same office, as well as those working in offices around the world. A recent survey from talent mobility consulting firm Lee Hecht Harrison outlines how workers are making...

Rosemina Nazarali

Employee Happiness is Dependent on Coworkers

Employee happiness is much more dependent on relationships with coworkers than it is with direct managers. A recent survey from TINYpulse found that an employee's job happiness is highly weighted on their team. When asked, "What do you love about your work," a whopping majority of...

Rosemina Nazarali

It's Official: Fridays Are The Most Unproductive Days

Science has confirmed something we've known for a long time -- we are the most unproductive on Fridays. We switch to weekend mode on Friday afternoons, when our brains are convinced the workweek is over. A study from British Airways involving 2,000 office workers found that people...

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