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Rosemina Nazarali

It's Official: Fridays Are The Most Unproductive Days

Science has confirmed something we've known for a long time -- we are the most unproductive on Fridays. We switch to weekend mode on Friday afternoons, when our brains are convinced the workweek is over. A study from British Airways involving 2,000 office workers found that people...

Rosemina Nazarali

The Way You View Work Can Be Blamed On Your Parents

Do you see work as a means to an end or are you on a career journey that will lead you to self-fulfillment? Regardless, your parents are probably to blame. A recent study from the University of Michigan found that there are three categories people fall under. The first are...

Rosemina Nazarali

Hiding From Your Boss Will Actually Boost Productivity

We currently live in a time when managers and employees don't have walls dividing them. Instead, managers work in plain view of open-concept offices among their employees to create a sense of transparency in the workplace. However, recent research found that this transparency might actually be getting in...

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