stress management15

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Stressed Out? Take a Walk

The best way to beat stress, according to new research, is to get a group together and take a walk. [contextly_auto_sidebar id="CrdkGNJOD17I5cN5quC045DJYir939Hj"]The large-scale study was a joint effort by researchers at the University of Michigan, De Montfort University, Edge Hill University and the James...

Weekend Reading: Career Guest Posts 6/25 - 6/29

Each week, I contribute dozens of articles on career-focused topics to a variety of Web properties. Here are some of my favorite posts from this week. * Test-Driving the Beach Dash: Sun, Fun and Sand [CalorieLab] * Google Maps Coordinate Facilitates Mobile Workforce Management [PayScale] * Can Working Overtime During Pregnancy Affect the...

Fit Managers Are Less Abusive to Employees [STUDY]

We know that exercise decreases stress, but a recent study out of Northern Illinois University also found that fit managers are less likely to exhibit abusive behavior to employees. Bosses who didn't get regular physical activity were far more prone to venting at subordinates and feeling a time...

The Business Impact of Stress [VIDEO]

This video on the business impact of stress shows the implications of stress on sales, productivity and employee retention. It cites several damning statistics on stress, including one from a study which found that 50 percent of employees are looking for less stressful work. Check out the ClearLink and IncBlot...

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