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Rosemina Nazarali

Rosemina's Dream Vacation to Kenya

Team RE is continuing to talk about travel and share their must-have products while on the road. This week, Rosemina talks about why she dreams of visiting Kenya and how she stays efficient while traveling. 1. You have four days and $2,500 for a long-weekend trip with a significant...

Marissa's Most Efficient Travel Habits

Being efficient and living your best life means making the most of your downtime. The Ridiculously Efficient rebels love to travel. Learn about Marissa's favorite travel stories and how she is able to do so efficiently. 1. You have four days and $2,500 for a long-weekend trip...

Rosemina Nazarali

10 Lessons From Successful Entrepreneurs

This is a gust post by Felix Tarcomnicu. We’ve all heard about them and seen their life stories dramatized in the movies and television specials. Everyone wants to know the secrets to their success, but the truth is there are no secrets. These extraordinary people got to where they...

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