Gordon Ramsay’s Daily Routine: Lessons for Leaders Who Refuse to Burn Out
During a recent Reddit AMA, readers got a peek inside the Gordon Ramsay daily routine.
During a recent Reddit AMA, readers got a peek inside the Gordon Ramsay daily routine.
How to Work Faster Without Burning Out: The Energy-Optimized Workday We’ve all been told to “work smarter, not harder.” But let’s be honest—most advice on working faster just tells you to hustle harder. The reality is… It’s not just about time management. It’s about energy...
The top question I get is: What is Ridiculously Efficient, anyway? Here’s my take. What is Ridiculously Efficient? I started using “ridiculously efficient” in my personal branding around 2012, and trademarked it and formally incorporated Ridiculously Efficient Inc. in 2013. My exact definition of this term has changed slightly...
I'm hunting for 1-2 entrepreneurial Facilitators and Initiating Follow Thrus to work directly with me on a variety of fascinating, impactful initiatives across for-profit, nonprofit and thought leadership spaces. Essential capabilities: High standards for work product and conduct. Interest or background in marketing, sales or entrepreneurship. Strong at...
Why does it seem like some people effortlessly manage stress while others are easily overwhelmed? The answer may lie in the differences between our anxiety threshold — the level of anxiety that, once reached or surpassed, affects our performance. In this post, I’ll share my three-step stress management system. Stressors...
So much of productivity is the mental game, and to improve time management, we must optimize how we think about time. Take a moment and try this thought experiment. Rank the following scenarios according to how energized or excited you feel while imagining them: * Analyzing or reflecting on what'...