productivity apps18

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All About Evernote [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Evernote productivity app has exploded in popularity, and this InfoGlyphs infographic shares some key features, fun facts and other tidbits. Evernote essentially helps you capture everything -- like files, images, websites, notes and audio -- in a nifty cloud-based account that syncs with your computers and devices seamlessly. You...

Top 10 Posts in 2011

The following are the most-trafficked productivity and efficiency articles at Ridiculously Efficient since our Nov. 1 launch. I hope these oldies-but-goodies help you set the tone for 2012 and beyond. 1. Semi-Automated Social Media: Timely by Demandforce 2. Turbocharge Your Day With Mental Feng Shui 3. Things by CulturedCode is...

Comunitee is a Social Network for News Discovery

Comunitee is a social network that blends features from StumbleUpon, Google+, Flipboard, Facebook, Twitter and Digg to simplify news discovery. New users pick topic areas of interest, akin to StumbleUpon, and Comunitee will gradually learn your reading preferences and display content accordingly. Taking a page from the Circles feature in...

The Wonderful Wunderlist To-Do Application

The Wunderlist to-do application (Free, Mac App Store) by 6Wunderkinder is an excellent free cross-platform task management tool. It's available for Windows and Linux, and there's even a Web app if you're gun-shy about downloading a standalone app. Wunderlist enables users to share tasks...

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