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Why Your Office Needs a Quiet Zone

If your office has an open floor plan, you need a quiet zone. Open-plan offices may promote collaboration and creativity, but they don't offer the tomblike silence and lack of visual distractions that many need to focus and crank work out. That's where a quiet zone...

5 Monday Must-Reads on a Collaborative Work Environment

Researchers are increasingly discovering that a collaborative work environment enhances organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Today's must-reads share the latest studies, leadership lessons and office practices to promote productivity through enhanced collaboration. * A new study out of Carnegie-Mellon University finds that crowdsourcing delivers good long-term value. [SmartPlanet] * Hotel brand...

Should Empty Public Buildings Be Turned Into Coworking Spaces?

Yesterday, Jon Mitchell of ReadWriteWeb wrote about how the Palo Alto City Library is turning vacant rooms into coworking spaces for remote workers and advertising them using LiquidSpace. Can this model boost flagging local economies elsewhere? Some remote workers love coworking because it blends a quiet, isolated workspace with the...

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