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Put Your Energy Back in Your To-Do Lists

To-do lists are something we all create. Sometimes they are just little reminders, and other times they play a major role in determining what gets done and when. However, there is a complex science behind the effectiveness of to-do lists, and why paying attention to certain pieces of information can...

3 Ways to Become Really Productive

We all know those people that just seem to get everything done in no time. Do they drink some sort of magical tea? Were they just born smarter than the rest of us? Absolutely not. Really productive people tend to have similar habits and by studying and emulating them, we...

I'm Too Busy

We are all busy. Life is busy; however, we all get the same 24 hours in each day. What separates productive people from everyone else? Discipline. It's simple to say, "I'm too busy." It's much harder to prioritize effectively and make time...

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