open-plan offices10

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Rosemina Nazarali

How Office Design Can Pump up Creativity

It's no secret that open floor plans are common in offices around the world. Whether you work in design, IT, or production, collaboration is essential to the success of yourself, and your organization. While open-floor spaces have a bad rep for stifling productivity, they have a few benefits...

Avant-Garde Offices: Twitter San Francisco

A little birdy (aka Mashable) told us about Twitter's new headquarters in the mid-Market area of San Francisco. Complete with a yoga studio, an arcade, beautiful common areas and a breathtaking garden rooftop, the new digs definitely help Twitter soar to greater heights. The new location isn'...

Avant-Garde Offices: Mozilla [PHOTOS]

This week's Avant-Garde Offices star is Mozilla, the company behind open-source browser Firefox. Its Mountain View and San Francisco offices were designed by MKThink with collaboration and openness in mind. The Mozilla office emphasizes teamwork at every turn. Coworking spaces, event areas, team rooms and mini cafes abound;...

Avant-Garde Offices: New Facebook HQ [PHOTOS]

In kicking off a brand-new Avant-Garde Offices series here at Ridiculously Efficient, it seemed only appropriate to feature the new Facebook HQ first. As a child, you were probably allowed to mark your height on the wall with a pencil yet reprimanded for writing graffiti. Imagine as an adult working...

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