office design18

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A 'Star Wars' Themed Office to Please Employees

With so much literature and research coming out about the importance of office design, it is easy to get varying opinions of what makes up the most efficient workspace. The fact of the matter is, everyone works differently and finds inspiration from different things. Unfortunately, catering to every single employee...

Rosemina Nazarali

Barbarian Group's Endless Table Changes How Employees Work

Creative architectural companies have been reinventing the traditional office by designing innovative ways to boost creativity and productivity in employees. Clive Wilkinson took away the need for conference rooms when he designed the Endless Table for New York City advertising firm, Barbarian Group. The entire office is designed around a...

Design Your Office to Maximize Productivity

Many offices that employees work in today are designed and operated the same way that they were 40 years ago. Long stretches of cubicles, few windows and peering bosses plague these work environments, hindering productivity and innovation. By restructuring your office, you can welcome in a new wave of productivity...

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