Motivation Monday: Dare to be Powerful
“” — Audre Lorde...
“” — Audre Lorde...
“” — Bertrand Russell Everyone deserves some downtime and relaxation, and sometimes that requires doing absolutely nothing. Don't kick yourself for that Netflix binge or lazy Sunday. Celebrate it! You probably deserve the break and you'll likely feel pretty refreshed the next day. If you struggle to justify...
“” — Walt Disney This quote reminds me something I often say to myself and to my friends who need a kick in the ass -- don't think, just do. I, as many of us are, am guilty of overthinking and overanalyzing every situation. The problem with that is it...
“” — Oliver Burkeman, The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking Your emotions don't always need to align with the action. Taking that first step can be necessary in overcoming your own inhibitions. Or, sometimes you simply need to embrace your feelings and take the plunge...
“” — Vincent Van Gogh...
“” — Anne Frank They say one person can't change the world, but all it really takes is one person to act on one idea to spark a domino effect that can change the world. So why wait? If you have an idea that you believe it, start making it...