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Avant-Garde Offices: Needle

If you're tired of going to the office and sitting at the same desk day after day, it may be time to turn your focus to this week's Avant-Garde Offices star, Needle. Imagine spending your day on the move in a top-notch RV, promoting your favorite...

20+ Resources on a Productive Work Environment

This list of Ridiculously Efficient resources on creating a productive work environment puts all the good stuff in one place. Research and Case Studies * Working From Home and Productivity * 5 Monday Must-Reads on Workspace Optimization * ROWE Your Way to Peak Productivity * Where Are Your Productivity Places? * Tech Company Atos to...

Posture and Work Productivity

How can posture affect your work productivity? Dynamic Markets polled over 1,000 U.K. office workers on behalf of Fellowes for the infographic below and came to some surprising conclusions. For starters, 66 percent of the survey respondents admitted to spending time fidgeting and rearranging their desk to get...

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