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Thursday Thought: Produce Leaders, Not Followers

“” — Ralph Nader How does your leadership inspire others to lead? So often, I work with entrepreneurs or managers who see their direct reports as minions to do their bidding. The relationship is completely transactional: the entrepreneur pays an employee to do a specific set of tasks. That's not...

10 Ways to Motivate Employees

An important characteristic of a leader is the ability to motivate employees. Motivated employees will be more engaged and more productive overall. Brian J. Zaslow, the founder of Project Soulmate, is a serial entrepreneur who has worked on many projects. Along the way, he's learned exactly what motivates...

Rosemina Nazarali

3 Ways to Be More Productive, Santa Style

The man in the red suit will be visiting the homes of every child tonight, squeezing himself down chimneys to leave presents behind for those who have been deemed 'nice' this year. Along the way, he might stop for a glass of milk and a cookie or two....

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