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Is Social Media Ruining Our Minds? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Is social media ruining our minds? Assisted Living Today seems to think so. This infographic illustrates the relationship between social media and our multitasking skills, ability to focus and social interactions. Social media -- in particular, the way it's shortened our attention span -- has effects that range...

Working From Home and Productivity [INFOGRAPHIC]

This CareerBuilder infographic examines the relationship between working from home and productivity. Some key statistics: 10 percent of Americans telecommute at least one day a week, which is up from 8 percent in 2007, and 6 percent of Americans work from home on a full-time basis. The infographic also offers...

What Motivates Employees? [INFOGRAPHIC]

This Rypple infographic examines what motivates employees, from incentives to company culture and managerial techniques. I've written about employee disengagement before, but this infographic puts a price on an unmotivated workforce: $300 billion in lost productivity. Before focusing on productivity in your workgroup, it's essential to...

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