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All About Evernote [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Evernote productivity app has exploded in popularity, and this InfoGlyphs infographic shares some key features, fun facts and other tidbits. Evernote essentially helps you capture everything -- like files, images, websites, notes and audio -- in a nifty cloud-based account that syncs with your computers and devices seamlessly. You...

Work Motivation: Managers vs. Employees [INFOGRAPHIC]

This Mercer infographic reveals that managers and employees have distinct perspectives on how their organization fosters and incentivizes productivity and engagement. Mercer asked 2,400 U.S. employees about their organization's setup, and rank-and-file employees were far more skeptical of their job than managers and senior managers were...

Happiness and Work Productivity [INFOGRAPHIC]

This Socialcast infographic indicates that the links between happiness and work productivity are much closer than you might think. Highly engaged employees can improve performance by 20 percent and reduce turnover by 87 percent; companies with a workforce full of engaged employees reported a 19.2 percent increase in operating...

Hot Social Media Topics in 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]

This Flowtown infographic shows some of the hot social media topics in 2011. It features events that range from the Arab Spring to gamification, the IPOs of Pandora and LinkedIn, the Occupy Wall Street Movement and the onset of Google+. The infographic shows a timeline of topics that either hit...

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