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Rosemina Nazarali

Top 10 Productivity Killers [Infographic]

Offices comes with a slew of distractions, from surfing the Internet to simply chatting with colleagues. A national survey from CareerBuilder reveals the top 10 productivity killers in American workplaces. The study also exposes some of the weirdest things bosses have found employees doing at work. Cell phone and texting...

Rosemina Nazarali

The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 [Infographic]

The last decade has seen major changes in the workforce and as we continue to see more changes, people are forced to adjust to new job requirements. The infographic below from Top 10 Online Colleges outlines the the most important skills people will need to retain their jobs in 2020....

Rosemina Nazarali

4 Biggest Workplace Productivity Killers [Infographic]

There are a few workplace staples that are really just necessary evils -- we can't do without them completely, but they continue to kill productivity in their current state. Pulp-PR put together the below infographic, outlining the four biggest workplace productivity killers (meetings, surfing the Internet, email, and...

Rosemina Nazarali

A Look at the Workplace of the Future [Infographic]

The current state of the workplace looks very different than it did just a few years ago. And, it is quickly changing to become something that will be completely unidentifiable to those used to traditional offices. The infographic below from Top Management Degrees looks at what the office might look...

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