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Adjusting To Change by Being Tenacious

This is a guest post from Nathan H. Rubin, Head of People Operations and Lead Content Creator at Super.cc. “Baseball is 90% mental, and the other half is physical” - Yogi Berra Yogi Berra was an iconic baseball player and he’s famous for saying things that sound great,...

Avoid the Ostrich Problem

Do you ever avoid stepping on the scale out of fear for what it will read? Similarly, do you avoid tracking progress on a project because you are scared you won't meet your deadline? You could be falling victim to what experts call the Ostrich Problem. When people...

Rosemina Nazarali

Productivity Hack: The Rule of 3

The Rule of 3 is a productivity tactic that has you outlining your long and short-term goals. By making your goals clear, you are making yourself accountable and you know exactly what you are working toward. The Rule of 3 involves the following steps. 1. Identify 3 Goals for the...

Accountability: The Motivation You Need

Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, recently wrote about the effects of accountability on various tasks. Since humans are social creatures, we flourish under circumstances in which the group is excelling. We wish to keep up with everyone else, and when those around us...

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