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Volkswagen Germany Axes After-Hours Email Access

Volkswagen is fighting the good fight in work-life balance by stopping its BlackBerry servers from delivering email to employees after regular work hours. The plan, which applies to VW Germany workers with trade-union-negotiated contracts, only permits emails to be delivered during a window that begins 30 minutes before an employee&...

ROWE Your Way to Peak Productivity

A Results Only Work Environment -- often shortened to ROWE -- fosters productivity and boosts employee health, according to a new study. Sociology professors from the University of Minnesota studied over 600 white-collar employees and found that ROWE initiatives improve several key factors in overall health: energy levels, sleep quality,...

New vs. Old Workstyles and Productivity [INFOGRAPHIC]

This Gist infographic contrasts new vs. old workstyles as they prioritize productivity. Today's offices are increasingly focusing on efficiency as opposed to an overload of meetings and email; 49 percent of managers surveyed believed the workplace is suffering from information overload. Another fun statistic is that 70 percent...

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