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Bitwalking Pays You to Get Active

Bitwalking believes everyone should be able to earn an income in some fashion. What if you could earn an income simply by walking? With the new app, Bitwalking, you can! Bitwalking gives people the freedom and ability to make money as a way of incentivizing people to stay fit. The...

Rosemina Nazarali

3 Ways Exercise Benefits Your Brain

Exercise isn't just good for your body, it's good for your brain. Actually, exercise isn't just good for your brain, it makes it better. Recent research has found new, complex ways that exercise not only affects but also activates different parts of your brain....

3 Ways to Bring Your Workout to Work

You get home from work and you sit down to relax for a few minutes before jumping right into your workout. The next thing you know it's several hours later, you're still on the couch and your workout only happened in your imagination. We've...

Standing vs. Sitting at Work

It is no surprise that many of us spend the majority of our time sitting down. The commute to work often times involves sitting down. We arrive at work and sit at our desk. Even on our lunch break is composed of grabbing a bite to eat and sitting down....

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