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Avant-Garde Offices: Evernote [PHOTOS]

Most of us have had that feeling of being watched; for employees at Evernote, the star of this week's Avant-Garde Offices, that feeling is a reality. Business Insider took a tour of the Evernote office, discovering that founder Phil Libin has an actual robot that can chat with...

All About Evernote [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Evernote productivity app has exploded in popularity, and this InfoGlyphs infographic shares some key features, fun facts and other tidbits. Evernote essentially helps you capture everything -- like files, images, websites, notes and audio -- in a nifty cloud-based account that syncs with your computers and devices seamlessly. You...

Turbocharge Your Day With Mental Feng Shui

Mental feng shui is one of the core principles of the Ridiculously Efficient workflow: it keeps me focused and grounded during my workday and ensures my downtime isn't spent worrying about future tasks and to-dos. At the core of my version of mental feng shui is a good...

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