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6 Ways to Avoid the Afternoon Slump

When do you have the most energy during the day? When are you the most productive? Many people face an energy slump around 3pm in the afternoon. You have worked hard all day, ate a good lunch, and now your productivity seems to be decreasing by the minute. We have...

Rosemina Nazarali

Four Ways Home-Based Workers Can Naturally Boost Energy

This is a guest post by Alison Stanton. Whether you own your own business or get the chance to telecommute through your regular job, the number of people working from home has increased in recent years. As Global Workplace Analytics notes, telecommuting has increased almost 80 percent since 2005, and...

Rosemina Nazarali

Being Ethical Requires Energy

People of all walks of life and professions have to make a myriad of decisions based on ethics every day. Resisting unethical temptations requires effort and energy. Throughout the day, our energy wanes, and so does our self control. According to the Harvard Business Review (HBR), people are more likely...

Rosemina Nazarali

Getting Energized On The Job [Infographic]

A recent survey conducted by RedBull found that workplace productivity decreases right before a holiday. The infographic below show's just how much employees zone out before a long weekend. The majority of survey participants (84%) admitted that their productivity diminishes at some point in their workday. However, these...

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