employee productivity14

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Track Productivity by Output, Not Appearance

Many companies base their employees' productivity off of factors such as work schedule, time spent at his or her desk, and hours on the timesheet. In 2014, these factors are fairly useless in judging the efficiency and productivity of a 21st century worker. Matt Mullenweg, founder of Automattic, employs...

Non-Compete Clauses: A Productivity Killer

According to research published by the Harvard Business Review, workers are less motivated and perform worse when subjected to terms that limit their job mobility. Although this may seem like common sense, it is a factor that many of us do not consider when signing new job contracts. By signing...

Tracking Employee Burnout? Measure 'Rust-Out' Like Barclays

We're all familiar with employee burnout, but Barclays UK Retail and Business Banking uncovered another productivity-killing phenomenon in its latest employee engagement surveys: worker "rust-out." Barclays teamed up with Robertson Cooper to measure employee wellbeing and overall engagement to hopefully draw correlations between this data and...

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