email tips16

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When to Pre-Draft Emails

I'll be the first to admit it: I'm absolutely obsessed with pre-drafting emails. I first learned this technique from Peter while we were organizing the pilot version of what would become Abundance 360. [rebel] I was waiting to hear back from a designer, and I'...

How I Use Boomerang for Gmail

Boomerang for Gmail is one of my very favorite productivity tools, and one of the few digital services I use all day, every day. Here's how I use it to automate my email effectiveness. I use Boomerang for three primary reasons: to follow up on email I'...

Automated Inbox Management

We are inundated with email, and processing meaningful replies at scale is a learned skill. This walkthrough on automated inbox management will help you use online tools and filters to proactively pare down your inbox. In This Video: * How to automate inbox triage * When to create filters and rules * Next...

Simple Tips to Shorten Your Emails

Who wants to write 100 words when 17 will do? Not we Rebels, that's for sure. Here are five simple steps to shorten your emails, along with some real-world examples.[rebel] (Want a PDF version of this image? Right-click here.) More From Rebel: * Skill Development: The 3 S&...

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