Save 1 Hour a Day with AI-Assisted Email
Does crafting professional emails take up more time in your day than you’d like? AI can help.
Does crafting professional emails take up more time in your day than you’d like? AI can help.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of getting a handle of your inbox – but there's a lot more to it than replying to unanswered emails and deleting items from your inbox. If you want to have full control over your inbox, you need to learn about...
How many emails did you get today? What number of them were useful—and how many were a waste of your time? If you’re like most people, the answer to the first question is “a lot” and the answer to the last one is “a lot” too. In fact,...
[contextly_auto_sidebar id="qjIevT1b2TiONgze9L57hM5hnO8Wv6FA"]"How Google Works," the recently published business book by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg, shares a number of key Google practices. Chief among them, as you'd imagine, are email rules, and Time recently compiled a list of Schmidt and...
I'll preface this post with an acknowledgement that email is here to stay. That said, we don't have to treat our stream of outgoing messages like a firehose. The following companies have adopted compelling approaches to slow the flow of email. Consider these when crafting your...
I'm fairly effusive and passionate about pre-drafting email. But what's the specific anatomy of a pre-drafted piece? In this article, I'll break down my thinking process, step by step. [rebel] Step 1: Why I'll kick off the email with a tweet-length contextual...