Save 1 Hour a Day with AI-Assisted Email
Does crafting professional emails take up more time in your day than you’d like? AI can help.
Does crafting professional emails take up more time in your day than you’d like? AI can help.
[contextly_auto_sidebar id="qjIevT1b2TiONgze9L57hM5hnO8Wv6FA"]"How Google Works," the recently published business book by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg, shares a number of key Google practices. Chief among them, as you'd imagine, are email rules, and Time recently compiled a list of Schmidt and...
I'll preface this post with an acknowledgement that email is here to stay. That said, we don't have to treat our stream of outgoing messages like a firehose. The following companies have adopted compelling approaches to slow the flow of email. Consider these when crafting your...
I'll be the first to admit it: I'm absolutely obsessed with pre-drafting emails. I first learned this technique from Peter while we were organizing the pilot version of what would become Abundance 360. [rebel] I was waiting to hear back from a designer, and I'...
Boomerang for Gmail is one of my very favorite productivity tools, and one of the few digital services I use all day, every day. Here's how I use it to automate my email effectiveness. I use Boomerang for three primary reasons: to follow up on email I'...
I'm often asked about my personal email processing strategy for inbound messages. I show a few of my automated tools in the Automated Inbox Management walkthrough video, but that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Here is the three-phase process I use to organize, prioritize...