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Email Efficiency is Relationship-Sensitive [STUDY]

A new study out of Northwestern University indicates that our email efficiency is relationship-sensitive -- specifically, we reply sooner to emails from close friends than strangers. Researchers Stefan Wuchty and Brian Uzzi studied 1.5 million messages sent by 1,052 employees and uncovered an algorithm that reveals the closeness...

Tech Company ATOS to Ban Email Within 2 Years

Atos, a French tech company, hopes to ban all internal email within the next two years. "We are producing data on a massive scale that is fast polluting our working environments and also encroaching into our personal lives," said Thierry Breton, the chief executive officer of Atos. "...

5 Ways to Boost Email Efficiency

Companies that ignore the need for email efficiency are setting themselves up for a colossal waste of resources. Corporate America spends over 40 percent of their day on email; to put that figure into financial terms, someone who earns $55,000 a year will make $1,760 each month just...

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