email efficiency34

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Get Rid of Email Clutter

Email is unidirectional. Anybody who has your email address can contact you, spam you, and generally annoy you without your permission. This is the issue with email. It has become a distraction in the workplace and can kill productivity if you let it. Here is how to stay ahead! Rule...

Is Email an Outdated Form of Technology?

Email consumes our lives. When it comes to productivity, email is like the plague. We spend uncounted hours per month sorting through emails that ultimately mean very little to our work. For these reasons, Scott Berkun questions why we use email, and whether or not we really need to. Emails...

5 Surprising Facts About Email [INFOGRAPHIC]

This infographic shows five facts that will change your mind about email. Despite the naysayers, email is still a very relevant business tool, but learning how to merge it in with your social media accounts will supercharge your digital correspondence. For more on streamlining your email and the rest of...

The Follow Up Email: Love It or Loathe It?

Ah, the follow-up email. I get at least five a day from well-meaning bloggers looking to place a guest post or companies pitching a product, news item or service. Should the follow-up email be forgotten for good or remain a mainstay in modern communication? I'm in the "...

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