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Be Productive and Healthy

Productive people all have there own advice for how to become as efficient as possible in the workplace. Productivity guru Chris Kessler shared his efficiency secrets, and by habitually following these tips you can easily boost your productivity in no time! 1. Breakfast Starting each and every day with a...

Do You Track Your Time?

It's easy enough. As soon as I finish this task, I'll just jump over to Reddit and check today's AMAs. Half an hour later you realize that you have read three AMAs, scanned your Facebook, and looked for tickets for tonight's game....

Rosemina Nazarali

How Much Time Do You Waste at Work? [Infographic]

Getting through a typical 9-5 workday isn't always easy. Our days are filled with distractions that take away from our overall productivity and the company's bottom line. The infographic below from Time Doctor outlines just how much time is wasted at work and what the major...

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