PayPal's Toronto Headquarters is a Colourful Ode to Canada

Photo by 4K Wallpapers

PayPal has just opened the doors to its new Canadian headquarters, located in the MaRS Discovery District in Downtown Toronto. The office is clad in artistic murals, branded bikes and a ping-pong table. Even the boardrooms have quirky Canadian names like "Double Double" – a term coined by Tim Horton's coffee drinkers. The kitchen is equipped with Station's Cold Brew Coffee on tap, and has catered lunches four days a week and a weekly breakfast.

The space itself is 7,800 square feet, which is plenty of room for the office's 25 employees (the space fits 60). PayPal lucked out with a corner unit that brings in lots of natural light through the floor-to-ceiling windows. With fresh flowers delivered weekly, PayPal can ensure the vibe stays bright even during long Canadian winters. The open-plan office is furnished in standing desks and plush chairs.

Perhaps the coolest aspect of PayPal's new digs is the fact that everything was locally sourced. The artists who painted the murals are Toronto street artists, the furniture came from Toronto's Steelcase and their kitchen is regularly stocked by Urbery, a local delivery service.

Get a glimpse of PayPal's new Toronto office below.

Photo credit:
Daily Hive
Mobile Syrup
Toronto Life