The Missing Link headquarters in South Africa recently got a makeover that the team aptly describes as "organized chaos." There's an indoor treehouse made from a 6-ton tree (it died of natural causes), vibrant graffiti murals by Nic Hooper, a slide and a fireman's pole, all in the name of creativity and reinforcing the idea that work doesn't have to be boring.
"I think the biggest thing for me is that we are proof that you don't need to work in a gray-walled cubicle farm to be productive," said Samantha Dean, the managing director of Missing Link. "We're not a bunch of crazy 'creatives' -- we make presentations for banks (amongst others). You spend 66 percent of your life at work (and us often more so) -- why not make it as much fun as possible?"
The Missing Link headquarters prove that unconventional workspaces can foster creativity and productivity rather than hinder it. Check out more images of the workspace below, courtesy of Inhabitat.
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