Workspace Wednesday: Is a Balance Board the Answer to Your Desk Woes?
Standing desks are a great alternative to the traditional, but once you're standing still in front of a laptop, boredom and restlessness can set it. A company called Fluidstance has designed a balance board that will keep your body moving while you work -- a healthier option that will help you fight that restless feeling.
Photo credit: Fluidstance
"The patent-pending technology of the Level® elicits subtle, constant movement below your feet to increase your range of motion and heart rate. From your office desk, to the conference room, to the living room, we aim to provide a shift where you need it most - physically, emotionally, and intellectually," the Fluidstance website reads.
While developing the product, Fluidstance conducted two of their own studies. They found that Level allowed for a 15% increase in heart rate. There was also no change in typing errors while on Level compared to simply standing still.
The American-Made Level starts at $289.