I'm hunting for 1-2 entrepreneurial Facilitators and Initiating Follow Thrus to work directly with me on a variety of fascinating, impactful initiatives across for-profit, nonprofit and thought leadership spaces.
Essential capabilities: High standards for work product and conduct. Interest or background in marketing, sales or entrepreneurship. Strong at writing, capable at editing, and exceptional at searching the web. Social and emotional intelligence. MacOS and iOS user. Can thrive under pressure, but don't require it to work quickly. Good instincts on what's urgent and important.
My right-fits love to have fun, yet are fast movers, coachable, adaptable, bright, and accountable. It's important to me that they are referred by or have endorsements from someone I know, respect and trust.
They'll learn priceless skills for a changing world:
- adaptability
- resourcefulness
- value creation
- creating systems for small teams
- managing remote workers
- work-life integration
- conscious leadership
- sales and marketing psychology
- how to work with visionaries and "crazy entrepreneurs" at the highest echelons of business and society
- ...and how to do all this without compromising your integrity or values.
This is a paid role, as a revenue split with me on each project. We win together. Likely a side hustle to start, with the potential to take off depending on the person and their goals.
Historically, I'll write killer testimonials, work with university faculty to earn internship or work credits, make introductions and recommendations to leaders in my network for long-term roles, and be a lifelong advocate. Previous individuals in this role routinely start their own businesses or walk into six-figure roles no matter their age.
Please pass this on to individuals you think would love this opportunity. The next step is to fill out this introductory questionnaire here.
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