perfectionism and productivity
The Internet has been this marvellous thing for productivity. With easy document and project sharing tools, a lot of us have forgone physical documents and have instead opted for online file-sharing systems. Not every workplace has clued in to the usefulness of these tools and are continuing to use old-school work processes, which are only bringing down their overall productivity. The below infographic from Nitro outlines just how much document workflows are getting in the way of an efficient workplace.
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According to the infographic, document challenges are bringing organization productivity down by 23%. The average worker uses a scanner about six times a day, and send a document as an email attachment six times a day. But a third of workers are using scanners, printers and copiers more than 10 times a day.
These bad habits are leading to 11+ hours spent a week on creating and managing documents. Workers are also spending an average of 6 hours approving and signing documents, and 3.5 hours a week organizing documents.
See how else bad document habits are getting in the way of your productivity in the infographic below.

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