As the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk is a person with a pretty busy schedule. His life's goal is to save humans from destroying themselves and the Earth we live on -- that is a pretty ambitious task. How does he run both companies and still make time for his family? With the help of a private jet and occasionally crashing at a friend's place, of course.
"The life that Musk has created to manage all of these endeavors is preposterous," writes Ashlee Vance in the upcoming biography, Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.
Vance spoke to Musk about his weekly schedule, which looks a little something like the below.
- Sunday: Travel if necessary. Spend time at Bel Air mansion.
- Monday: Work at SpaceX in Hawthorne. Take private jet to Silicon Valley. Crash at a friend's place.
- Tuesday: Work at Tesla's offices in Palo Alto and/or factory in Fremont.
- Wednesday: Work at Tesla's offices in Palo Alto and/or factory in Fremont.
- Thursday: Fly back to Los Angeles. Work at SpaceX.
- Friday: Work at SpaceX.
- Saturday: Work at SpaceX and/or spend time with five young sons he shares custody with first wife Justine (has them four days each week).
This is simply Musk's framework schedule, which can change depending on events, meetings and appearances he is scheduled to make, along with a slew of other factors.
Vance also mentions one week in which Musk went camping for the weekend with his sons, had talk show appearances in New York on Monday, visited with President Barack Obama on Tuesday night, and finished the week with a conference hosted by Google in Yellowstone. It seems weeks like this are pretty normal for Musk. According to Vance, he flew a total of 185 times in 2013 alone.
Vance asked Musk how he maintains such a schedule. "Musk said, 'I had a tough childhood, so maybe that was helpful.'"
H/T Business Insider
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