5 Best Practices for Corporate Social Media
Learning how your company can benefit from social media, including the best tactics to approach and costly misfires to avoid, can put you above the competition. Today's must-reads share tips and strategies for corporate social media.
- There are certain things in life you should consider wasting time on. If you're in a position of management or looking to boost your company's visibility, you might want to waste your time on social media sites. It could bring you a lot of value in the end. [Forbes]
- The instant platform social media provides can be beneficial or detrimental. Just ask McDonald's or Coca-Cola, two companies that experienced major social media misfires. [Businessweek]
- Participating in social media marketing and/or branding is just one part of the equation. Keeping up with it is another. Read about six ways you can stay on top of the latest trends. [Mashable]
- Discovering innovative and unique ways to use social media is much more important than simply existing within the system. Define social media to your advantage rather than allowing it to define you. [Business 2 Community]
- Three out of 4 consumers are more likely to purchase a product that has been recommended on a social media site by friends, family or someone they consider influential. This is why it's imperative to use social media to reach your audience. [CRN]