Rosemina Nazarali

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Rosemina Nazarali

Motivation Monday: The Crazy Ones

“” — Steve Jobs The craziest ideas are often the ones that make the most impact. Think of innovators like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. The very thought of a touch screen mobile smartphone or luxury electric cars probably sounded pretty crazy, and maybe even impossible, to a lot of people. J....

Rosemina Nazarali

Workspace Wednesday: Edge Desk is the All-in-One Portable Workspace

Edge Desk is a workspace designed for freelancers, artists and anyone dealing with a small space that contains everything you could possibly need (including seating!), and folds away to be placed out of the way. And, according to founder Marc Rosenberg, the workspace can be stored away "in less...

Rosemina Nazarali

Motivation Monday: You Haven't Failed

“” — Thomas A. Edison Don't look at your failures as failures. Remove that word from your vocabulary. You simply found a new way that didn't work. It was a learning experience and you are smarter, wiser and more prepared than you were before....

Rosemina Nazarali

Thursday Thought: Elon Musk Doesn't Believe in Failure

Elon Musk has achieved what others might have conceived as impossible. He takes enormous risks and never seems to fail. Why? Simply because he doesn't believe in failure. Co-founder of SpaceX, Jim Cantrell, told Farnam Street that Musk succeeds because he believes he, his ideas and the products...

Rosemina Nazarali

Frictionless Friday: What Would You Do With #OneDayOffline?

How connected are you to your phone? Our smartphones have, in a sense, become extensions of ourselves. A message to a friend isn't quite complete without an emoji, the funny quip you heard ins't quite as funny until you tweet about it, and did that concert...

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