Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Work Day? [Infographic]
Most people don't maximize on the potential of their workdays. The infographic below from Huffington Post shows us how technology can help make our days more productive.
According to the infographic, the average worker spends two days a week answering emails. However, companies can easily shorten this wasted time by not sending emails when a task is urgent or when a matter requires a conversations. A phone call would be a much more efficient way to get an answer or complete a conversation. Or, better yet, use a company wiki -- an online source where you can post policies and events.
We've often talked about how meetings are a huge source for inefficiency in the workplace, and it seems the Huffington Post agrees. They suggest scheduling shorter meetings, limiting attendance to only those who really need to be there, and making sure the meeting stays on topic. Use calendar apps that allow you to block out shorter amounts of time instead of the default 30 minutes.
Learn more about how technology can help you become more productive in the infographic below.