Scheduling a meeting involves a lot more than inputting a time and date in your calendar. It often includes a lot of back and forth between attendees to try and find the best time and day to hold said meeting. That's a lot of clutter in your inbox and not necessarily the most efficient use of your time.
That's where Amy comes in.
Amy is an online tool (no app needed, just a quick sign-up), that does all your meeting scheduling for you. When you receive a meeting request that is going to require a bit of back-and-forth to get scheduled, you simply reply, cc-ing amy@x-ai. Amy will take over the emailing to find the best time, day and location for both parties. Then a meeting invite, with all the details settled, will appear in your inbox.
"Your AI powered personal assistant for scheduling meetings,"'s website reads. "You interact with me as you would to any other person – and I’ll do all the tedious email ping pong that comes along with scheduling a meeting."
And that's it. Meetings scheduled, none of the hassle. That sounds pretty good to me.
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