Many of us hear the words "40 hour work week" and laugh, reminiscing about the days when that was a reality. Whether you hold the opinion that working longer days is beneficial or not, it is important to note that certain start-ups are beginning to advertise the perk of guaranteed 40-hour workweeks. These start ups aren't the only advocates for shorter workweeks.
Highlighted in a recent article, studies from Denmark have proven that a 25-hour workweek, given that it is executed perfectly, can be as effective as a 40-hour workweek. Not only does this shorter workweek cut company costs, it improves the quality of life for workers. This extra time can be spent with family, exercising, relaxing, and doing other things that you ordinarily wouldn't have the time for.
In no way am I saying that I expect any of you to cut back to 25-hour workweeks. But when your time chart for the week is approaching 60 hours, think about the work you have completed after you could have opted to clock out. Is it of the quality you know you are able to produce? There is a fine line between working over and overworking. Make sure you respect this line, and more importantly, respect yourself.
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