An easy way to ensure your day is fun and productive is by gamifying it. The infographic below from Officevibe outlines a simple and easy rewards system that helps you gamify your day and add a bit of fun into the workplace.
According to the system below, everything you do during the day can be placed into five categories: wellness, productivity, social, environment and generosity. Then, all your actions are given a certain amount of points in each category. At the end of the week, you can evaluate which aspects of your life scored well, and which aspects need a bit more help.
For example, providing feedback to your manager will give you 115 productivity points. Praising a coworker will add 45 points to your social category. And, choosing to drink water instead of cola will give you 55 wellness points.
The points system includes everything you do at the gym, how environmentally-friendly you are, and even includes your social media activity.
Learn more about how to gamify your day with the infographic below.

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